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Lessons learned from recent imaging trip to Taiwan

Just want to document the lessons I learned from the recent Taiwan trip. Hope this will help me do better in the future.   

What worked well:

1) Taiwan high mountain may be an ideal imaging location for HK amateurs
     - better chance of clear sky since low clouds are non-issues
     - air pollution mostly avoided since worst haze below 2000m
     - column of air needed to penetrate much reduced
     - relatively close to HK; air + car travel within several hours
     - good accommodation, food and internet access at some locations
     - not too expensive for a 4-5 days' trip (within $2-3000)
     - equipment going through customs not an issue

2) Takahashi equipment close to ideal for travelling
     - both mount and scope extremely robust, reliable, trouble-free
     - very simple to setup and use, near perfect quality
     - astrographs (eg FSQ) much much better than best camera lenses
     - a little expensive but well worth the money in long term
     - FSQ-106ED in particular is a dream scope for travel imaging
       . fairly compact and light weight, easy to fit in carry-on bag
       . pin point stars corner to corner, with or without reducer
       . near perfect stars, no perceptible abberations of any kind
       . extremely high contrast, allow pull out of faint details

3) Bahtinov mask an excellent tool for focusing
     - it really works! the greatest tool for focusing in the field
     - very easy to use, very accurate focus can be achieve within a few minutes
     - the grabber software helps a lot too, no guess works anymore

4) Plan your imaging sessions ahead
    - plan ahead will save a lot of precious imaging time
    - can achieve optimal framing without trial-an-error in the dark

5) miniBORG + QHY5 a competent autoguider
    - worked very well for short to medium focal lengths
    - light weight, no flexure observed, quite easy to find guide stars

6) Using camera lens or small scope as counterweight works
    - only need to carry a small counterweight for fine balancing
    - saves luggage allowance
    - doesn't seem to affect EM-11 stability at full-load medium focal lengths

7) Kiboko bag a near ideal carry-on bag
     - custom design to fit carry-on luggage size
     - very light weight (2.1Kg), but strong and comfortable
     - very roomy compared to similar camera backpacks
     - my bag carried: FSQ-106ED, 0.73x, 2 x 5D bodies, Vega PC,
       300/4, 24-105/4, 16-35/2.8, 135/2, 1.4x, hoods, batteries etc

8) Gitzo carbon fibre tripods excellent for travelling
     - 1325 worked well with EM-11 fully loaded
     - very light weight at 2Kg, fits into medium luggage case

9) Lipo batteries a good solution for field power
      - fairly light weight and compact
      - short recharge time (~2 Hours)
      - allows hot swap of batteries with appropriate cable harness

10) Goto a great help for travel imaging
      - saves a lot of time to locate objects
      - allows very accurate framing

11) PHD Guiding my favourite autoguide software
      - simple but very effective algorithms
      - probably the best DEC guiding algorithm, works reliably

12) Hand warming packs an excellent dew preventing device
      - light weight, compact and cheap
      - does not consume power

What doesn't work so well:

1) FSQ-106ED + 1.6x extender not too suitable for travel imaging
     - too slow at f/8
     - some CA and minor distortions near corners, but still not bad
     - 850mm a bit long, many potential problems may creep in

2) Vega PC insufficient at times
    - a bit slow when running TheSky + PHD Guiding + MaxIm simultaneously
    - screen a bit small, a bit hard to see awkward to switch applications
    - awkward to enter text or number since no keyboard
    - a larger and more powerful netbook would be better
3) Large pixel camera much better than small pixel
     - try to avoid small pixel DSLR (<6um), may be very noisy
     - modify your DSLR, makes huge difference
     - eg images from my 5D Mark II is not in the same league as my modified 5D

4) Focal ratio is king
    - this is especially true for travelling since imaging time is limited
    - try to image < f/6; forget about f/8 or higher; best if <= f/4
    - forget about extenders, much better to have good image at smaller scale

5) Focus on short focal length
    - too many potential issue for long focal length: guiding problems, slow, framing
    - time better spent with focal length < 600mm or image scale > 3 arcsec/pixel

6) Beware of bus-powered devices
    - may draw sizable current from USB port
    - eg QHY5 caused PHD Guiding to hang occassionally
    - may overload USB port of notebook
    - best to connect via powered USB hub

7) Watch luggage weight
    - many airlines become very strict on luggage allowance
    - excess allowance may be just 1-2kg
    - excess luggage fairly expensive, try to cut down as much as you can


    • Dennis: 精采內容讚賞 + 2 分
    • Gem: 精采內容讚賞 + 2 分
    • apo: 很有心思讚賞 + 2 分

回覆 1# 的帖子



買唔到(唔捨得去外國訂), 唯有再執下個 Lowepro Comp Trekker Plus, 勉強都算做可以放到支天狗 + 兩部 body + 幾支鏡 + 埋支 45ED guide scope...



原帖由 anguslau 於 2009-11-15 13:37 發表

I know you'll be interested.
Its a bit expensive, but much better than the Lowepro bags. It can fit both a 600/4 and a 500/4 in the same bag!
http://www.naturescapes.net/store/product.php?produc ...

好貴..... 不過可以揹多 d 野跟身....


[ 本帖最後由 apo 於 2009-11-15 13:46 編輯 ]


原帖由 apo 於 2009-11-15 13:13 發表
想問下個 kiboko 袋邊度買? 要幾錢呀?

I know you'll be interested.
Its a bit expensive, but much better than the Lowepro bags. It can fit both a 600/4 and a 500/4 in the same bag!
http://www.naturescapes.net/stor ... page=1&featured


想問下個 kiboko 袋邊度買? 要幾錢呀?



